Work With Me

Photo by Harli Marten @harlimarten

Photo by Harli Marten @harlimarten

I : I Coaching

I work one-to-one with people using Compassionate Inquiry & Maturation coaching. I support people to heal through connection to themselves, their authentic self expression, the present moment & life.

Photo by Shane Rounce

Photo by Shane Rounce

Group Work

I facilitate group work for people who wish to experience connection & to move towards healing. Please contact me through this website if you are interested in group work.

Photo by C.Horner @mischievous_penguins

Photo by C.Horner @mischievous_penguins

Healing Centre

A trauma-informed, evidence based, community healing centre, coming soon. Follow the blog or social media for latest news and updates on this project.


If you’d like to work with me, please fill in the application form: